Dr. Abu Bako, an Economist by profession, is the Founding President and Chief Servant of the Logos-Rhema Foundation for Leadership Resource Development. Dr Bako is the Founding Vessel and Chief Servant of GAPNET (Global Apostolic And Prophetic Network) and TGAW (The Global Altar Watch), umbrella leadership resource movements with bases and partnerships in countries on every continent of the world.
An author of several inspirational publications, training materials and periodicals, Dr. Bako is privileged to be a mentor and inspirational speaker in Transformational Governance and Leadership seminars, workshops, summits and conferences, National Prayer breakfasts and dinners in over 120 nations of the world including almost all the African countries, almost all the Caribbean countries, North and South America, most European countries, East, West and Central Asia, the Middle East and Arabia.
The Logos-Rhema Foundation For Leadership Resource Development in partnership with GAPNET (Global Apostolic And Prophetic Network) is a paradigm-shifting Institution, which holds training sessions in different nations of the world.
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